Epidermoid cysts localized on extremities

Ozan Beytemür, Serdar Yüksel

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Total kalça artroplastili hastalarda ameliyat öncesi vücut ağırlığı ameliyat sonrası erken dönem fonksiyonel aktiviteleri etkiler mi?

Serkan Bakırhan, Bayram Ünver, Vasfi Karatosun

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Effects of bone cement loaded with teicoplanin, N-acetylcysteine or their combination on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation: an in vitro study

Hasan Göçer, Dilek Emir, Mehmet Emin Önger, Nevzat Dabak

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Total patellectomy for patellar aneurysmal bone cyst

Mehmet Çetinkaya, Hamza Özer, Hakan Y. Selek, Selim Erekul

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Treatment of mixed type femoroacetabular impingement using safe surgical hip dislocation in adults

Ulukan İnan, Selim Harmanşa, Hakan Ömeroğlu

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Painful, pediatric sacral aneurysmal bone cyst treated by curettage and fresh frozen allograft

Murat Aydın, Güray Toğral, Fevzi Kekeç, Murat Arıkan, Şafak Güngör

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One patient, one bone, and two different tumoral lesions

O. Şahap Atik, Tacettin Ayanoğlu, Hakan Atalar, Mehmet Yörübulut

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Should we continue to administer blind shoulder injections?

Mehmet Ağırman, Merve Akdeniz Leblebicier, Oğuz Durmuş, İlknur Saral, Osman Hakan Gündüz

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A new syndrome mimicking Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome: a case report

Adnan Sevencan, Ulukan İnan, Nusret Köse

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Hydatid cyst involvement of shoulder and deltoid muscle: a case report

Güzelali Özdemir, Sinan Zehir, Buket Özdemir, Serkan Sipahioğlu, Utku Severge

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Is osteoarthritis a disease involving only cartilage or other articular tissues?

Johanne Martel-Pelletier, Jean Pierre Pelletier

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Comparison of cannulated lag screws and lateral locking plate in the treatment of Schatzker type II tibial plateau fractures

Ahmet Sevencan, Mehmet Selçuk Şenol, Abdulhamit Mısır, Osman Emre Aycan, Akif Albayrak, Hanifi Uçpunar

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Lateral menisküs kistlerinde artroskopik parsiyel menisektominin orta dönem sonuçları

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Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of The Knee Presenting As A Popliteal Cyst (A Case Report)


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Surgical clavicle reconstruction after aneurysmal bone cyst resection in a child: A simple method

Luis Rodríguez-Nogué, Alberto Hernández-Fernández, Cristian Pinilla-Gracia, Victoria E Gómez-Palacio, Jorge Gil-Albarova

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Tumorous conditions of the pediatric hand and wrist: Ten-year experience of a single center

Osman Civan, Ali Cavit, Kaan Pota, Haluk Özcanlı

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A comparison of SanatMetal Sanat Swing and Zimmer NexGen® total knee implants: 10-year postoperative follow-up results

Bence Abonyi, Karoly Pap, Tamas Gal, Gabor Vasarhelyi, Ivan Udvarhelyi, Laszlo Hangody

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Multiple perineural cysts in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae of a mature individual

Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Ömer Faruk Kılıçaslan, Ayşe Eda Parlak

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Treatment of persistent large cystic lesions of the humerus with vascularized fibular grafts

Mehmet Ümit Çetin, İsmail Bülent Özçelik

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