2009, Volume 20 - Issue 1
Biomechanical comparison of two different wire stretching methods in the treatment of tibial plateau fractures with the Ilizarov technique and the related clinical results
Turgay Çavuşoğlu, M. Hakan Özsoy, V. Ercan Dinçel, Alpaslan Şenköylü, Abdurrahman Sakaoğulları
Pages: 002-010
0 3352
Mortality and morbidity in elderly patients who underwent partial prosthesis replacement for proximal femoral fractures
Muhittin Şener, Volkan Onar, Cemal Kazımoğlu, Serhan Yağdı
Pages: 011-017
0 3857
Patellofemoral joint dynamics in patients with gonarthrosis
Mehmet Erduran, Devrim Akseki, Osman Karaoğlan, Halit Pınar
Pages: 018-024
0 3505
Clinical importance of femoral and tibial tunnel localizations in arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Onat Üzümcügil, Ahmet Doğan, Merter Yalçınkaya, Emre Akman, Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Nikola Azar
Pages: 025-031
0 2361
Comparison of the mid-term results of complete subtalar release by the Cincinnati and the posteromedial incisions in clubfoot
Lokman Karakurt, Oktay Belhan, Tahir Varol, Erhan Yılmaz, Erhan Serin
Pages: 032-040
0 3326
Modified Evans technique improves plantar pressure distribution in lateral ankle instability
Sabri Ateşalp, Bahtiyar Demiralp, Uğur Barış Özkal, Mahmut Uğurlu, Murat Bozkurt, Mustafa Başbozkurt
Pages: 041-046
0 2212
Is there any difference in joint position sense among different knee angles?
Zafer Erden
Pages: 047-051
0 6992
Evaluation of morphometric characteristics of the fibular incisura on dry bones
Figen Taşer, Serdar Toker, Volkan Kılınçoğlu
Pages: 052-058
0 3067
Differential diagnosis in an professional basketball player with foot pain: is it an avulsion fracture or an os supranaviculare?
Alp Bayramoğlu, Deniz Demiryürek, Ayşegül Fırat, Ali Öznur, M. Hakan Özsoy
Pages: 059-061
0 3556